District 129 covers Plymouth, Roborough, Tavistock all of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

District Meeting 7 March 2025
At the District Meeting March 2025 held at the Trethorne Colf Club, Colonel Sir Edward Bolitho gave an interesting talk on his role as The Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall. He was welcomed by the District Chairman Jenny Mann. After the meeting Bodmin won the Bowling Competition. Congratulations to the ladies of Bodmin Inner Wheel.
Colonel Sir Edward Bolitho with District Chairman Jenny Mann

Bodmin Ladies won the Rose Bowl
District Meeting 17 September 2024

Ladies of the St Austell Club prepared the served the luncheon at District 129 meeting held at the Lanivet Community Centre.


District Meeting - Withiel Village Hall 20 June 2024

Chairman Beatrice Dyer introduced the Zone Leaders for 2024 to members at our District Meeting at Withiel on Thursday 20 June. Our meeting was followed by a cream tea.

Future Meetings

Tuesday 16 July 2024 Lanivet Village Hall 2 p.m. to 4.30 Assembly News

Tuesday 17 September 2024 - Lanivet Village Hall 12 noon buffet lunch District Meeting

Thursday 28 November Trethorne Hotel and Golf Club 11 speaker - 12.30 carvery 2 p.m.- District Meeting 3.15 Bowling

Tuesday 17 June 2025 Lanivet Village Hall 2 p.m. AGM and District Meeting


District Meeting - Trethorne Golf Club 8 March 2024
Members met at Trethorne Golf Club Friday 8 March and had an inspirational talk by Dr Maria McLain Chairwoman of the Board of The Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust

District Chairman Bea suggested that our Spring District meeting should be held on International Women's Day in celebration of women everywhere and all that we accomplish.

73 ladies gathered at Trethorne, near Launceston , from all corners of Cornwall, Plymouth and Tavistock to hear our guest speaker Dr Mairi McLean who gave us an entertaining but thought provoking insight into her life and career starting out as a trainee social worker and coming, by quite an indirect but always challenging route, to her current role as Chairman of the Board of The Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust.

Mairi detailed some of the many obstacles put in her way, and the way of many women in the workplace, and the importance of a 'good listening to' rather than a 'good talking to' when issues arose in the workplace, and to be aware not only how you spoke but how you sounded to others, particularly to junior colleagues, a smile was a good start.

After a few minutes for questions and discussion we all adjourned to the dining room for an excellent lunch.

The business meeting was held at 2pm and thanks to Bea's leadership it was all done and dusted by 3.05pm.
Afternoon tea was then served, followed by an inter-club bowling tournament.

The next District gathering will be a day at Pencarrow house near Bodmin on Wednesday May 15th, where they are looking forward to welcoming us tocelebrate 100 years of Inner Wheel, with a tour of the house and a private garden area for a celebration picnic to be followed by birthday cake and prosecco, Sunshine has been requested.

District Meeting Lanivet Community Hall 26 September 2023
Members of District 129 met at Lanivet Community Hall for luncheon followed by a meeting taken by District Chairman Beatrice Dyer
Ladies from Liskeard Club took care of serving the luncheon and what a feast!
District Chairman Beatrice Dyer with her secretary Ange Tamblyn and Liz Williams District Editor
District Meeting Lanhydrock 15 June 2023

Coffee was served in the bar at this beautiful location of Lanhydrock Hotel and Golf Club which gave ladies time to relax and meet other members from Clubs in District 129.

The incoming President, Beatrice Dyer would like to change the format slightly and have meeting on different days of the week so our next meeting is Tuesday 26 September Lanivet Hall, Wednesday 29 November Lanhydrock, Friday 8 March 2024 Trethorne luncheon. Thursday 20 June 2024 Lanivet Cream Tea. Full details to follow in due course.

Unfortunately there are more Clubs closing in the District at the end of this month and Beatrice has urged members to come along and join the DEC and take up office.
The Incoming President is Beatrice Dyer seen above being given the "Chain of office" by out going Joint President Fran Tregaskes
Officers for the coming year
Ladies welcoming Beatrice as District Chairman
Members were greeted by Perranzabuloe Club at the Penventon Hotel, and had a delicious luncheon followed by a meeting.

Karen with District Executive Committee
Karen with Club Presidents
Ladies of the Host club
Karen with Past District Chairman











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